Covid-19 Procedures and Appointment Guidelines
Newest updates posted up top.
Updated April 2023-
Location- NW Okc Garden Office
There is currently no Covid Precautions in place how ever since I am operating in my garden salon I ask all clients TEXT my personal number upon arrival to insure the office is clear of any clients booked before you.
universal precautions are always practiced within my office as well as increased cleansing and sanitizing high contact surface areas.
Please DO NOT arrive sick, feverish, or exposed to infectious illnesses.
Reach out to me prior to your appt to reschedule your appt when you are healthy.
-Re-evaluated November 15th, 2020. No changes-
September 9th, 2020
***Starting September 10th, 2020***
Continued use of my East side entrance is still in effect. The main entrance to my office, the businesses inside would still like to have no contact with the public.
Please remain in your vehicle, text me upon arrival and I will be out to walk you in for your service the moment I am finished with the client before you.
I will be taking some extra precautions as Cold/Flu season is nearing by cleansing and sanitizing high contact surface areas.
Children will still be able to accompany you during your appointment ONLY IF the child is able to fully stay seated during the remainder of your appt. Please discuss with your child, anything they touch will have to be disinfected my me before I am able to service my next client.
Please use the EAST ENTRANCE Tuesday-Friday 9a-3pm.
All clients are to wash their hands upon entering and make themselves comfortable as I prepare for your appt.
3. Temperature checks will no longer be conducted. Please note that I am not a medical provider nor am I licensed by any medical board. Conducting a temperature check would typically be out of my scope of practice.
4. MASKS- There will be NO MASK MANDATE inside my business. However, if YOU would like to request that I wear a mask during your appt, please contact me directly prior to your appt or feel free to ask me. I am more than happy to comfort you.
5. If you feel sick or ill, have any symptoms of Cold,Flu, Strep or Covid-19 please cancel your appt.
If you have been directly exposed with an individual that has tested positive for Covid-19, please allow either 10 days from first exposure, or 3 days since last symptom of being ill.
July 15th-
As Phase 3 has came and past and restrictions have been lifted in mid-June, I am still in the efforts to keep my clients safe limiting access to my facility.
Over the past week infection of Covid-19 have risen. I want to share with you some changes that I am implementing July 15th.
Children will be able to accompany you during your appointment IF the child is able to stay seated for your entire service. Please discuss with your child that anything they touch will have to disinfected by me before I am able to service my next client.
The continued use of my side entrance located on the East side of the building. Limiting contact areas such as the main entrance which is shared with other offices, the hallway and my waiting room will limit possible indirect exposure. All surfaces are disinfected with a Virucide with a 2 minute contact time solution post service, and areas are also disinfected at the end of the day as well as the start of the day.
When you arrive for your appointment, please wait in your vehicle, text me upon your arrival and I will come to escort you inside when I am completed with the client before you.
Temperature checks will be conducted by an infrared/touch-less thermometer and recorded on your appointment details for that visit. Please note that I am not a medical provider nor am I licensed by any medical board. Conducting a temperature check would typically be out of my scope of practice but I have been advised by my State Board (State Board of Cosmetology) to conduct such checks. If you have what's considered a fever, your appointment will be rescheduled 14+ days out.
MASKS- YOU will not be enforced to wear any type of facials coverings upon entry of my business. Should you feel comfortable that I wear one, Please advise me you would like for to and I will be more than happy to for the duration of your appointment.
If you feel sick or ill, have any symptoms of Covid-19 please cancel your appt.
May 1st-
Reopening of Oklahoma City Salons including
Edwards Aesthetics
Covid-19 Procedures and Guidelines.
Are You Getting Reminder Texts? Are You Getting Confirmation Texts? Use the link in your confirmation text to reschedule your appt for May (Subject to Change) I strongly encourage pre-booking rather than canceling.
In the coming weeks I will be sending individual texts to clients for May Booking Dates.
New changes-
A new service will be added to my service menu for the month of April. -FaceTime Consults Are you needing guidance? Skincare help? Quarantine tips to maintaining your skin health? I am offering FaceTime Consults up to 30 minutes for $28.00 payable through PayPal only. Text Me to schedule your appt 😊
I have developed a private Facebook Group specifically for Edwards Aesthetics Clients to come together. Feel free to add yourself, engage, and/or use as a quick tool for fast answers to already answered questions.
Edwards Aesthetics -Clients Only- I will also be holding a couple of LIVES over the coming weeks on IG on various types of subjects. I’m miss y’all so much!

March 23, 2020
Today I turn 32...
this is the first time today I have actually acknowledged what today is suppose to be. I usually surround myself with clients, full books, laughter, crude humor, very loud music in rush hour, crashing my choice in food, pouring my fill of rosè.
I closed my salon until further notice.
We are designed to withstand . . .
. . . "When an architect designs a building, a big skyscraper, he doesn't just design the outside: what it's going to look like, the color, the size, the shape.
That's important, but it's of no use if he doesn't design the inner structure: he calculates all the loads, how much each floor will weigh, how much wind it will face, how much equipment will be on it, then he'll know how big to the steel beams should be, how deep the piers in the ground, how thick the foundation". . .
. . . "In California where they can have earthquakes you have to put special reinforcements in the framing, more than we do here. In Florida the glass has to withstand hurricane-force winds. I was at a hotel in colorado during the summer and I noticed on the sloped roof all these cables and wires, I didn't know what it was and I asked the man he said: those are heaters to melt the snow. He explained that if you don't keep the snow off, it can pile up and that wave can cause the roof to collapse. The architects specifically designed each structure, so it can withstand the pressure, so it can bear the weight". . .
The day I closed my doors for the safety of my clients was a dark day. Even though imperative. . .
I was fearful for not knowing a reopening date. That day was also my 32 birthday. I dismissed the day and denied it. But my friends and family didn’t let me, they want me to focus on what’s important.
"When something happens that we've never faced: a loss, a disappointment, a setback, it's easy to think, "I can't handle this, it's going to sink me". The truth is: you wouldn't be facing it, unless you could handle it. If it was too much to bear, God wouldn't have allowed it. The very fact that it happened is a sign that you are well able. Now, you may have never put that kind of pressure on your beams, the glass walls of your building so to speak may have never experienced winds so strong, that's why you're tempted to feel overwhelmed, you don't realize, the structure has been designed for that pressure. It's not an accident, your architect, it didn't catch him by surprise, he knew ahead of time. That's why he made the glass so strong, he took into account winds that you never knew you would encounter. Nothing you face will cause you to collapse, you've been designed to withstand."
Tears stream down my face, tears of happiness.
My heart heavy with emotion. Feeling grateful for everyone who has reached out to me.
Reach out to someone. A partner or colleague in the same field. Show them you are thinking of them. You never know the wonderful things you could be giving back.
-Donate to Edwards Aesthetics Directly-
Sermon by
Joel Osteen - Designed To Withstand-
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